Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Normal Life

Since I haven't posted for two months, and I probably won't have any "deep" or "content filled" posts any time soon (not that I ever have :-) I thought I'd at least get a few photos up of our normal, crazy, fun-filled life!

2 months old ~ Paul is a smiley boy ~ definitely my most easy going baby so far

Sometimes Helen just can't understand why Paul is crying

My "big" girls like to help in the kitchen ~ we were making carrot cake ~ yummy

Reading calmly with some of our cousins ~ this calmness is rare :-)

Paul getting to know some of his friends

"Cuddle-time" with Helen while the other two were napping ~ Very special!

Me and my three sweet children

And, of course, there is nothing more special than "lego-time" with Daddy!

 I am so thankful for baptism and the forgiveness of sins, which can come to me on a daily basis through my husband and friends. Because of this I can really enjoy the "little" things I do with my children, knowing that there is nothing I'd rather be doing then training them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord.


  1. You are so blessed. And I agree--nothing better than lego time with Daddy.

  2. Eloise loves to look at pictures of her cousins and name each person! Bless you!

  3. This is indeed "content filled." The best! Nice to see pictures of you since I haven't seen the real you in so long. :) God's peace to you and your family Mary.

  4. I love the last picture Mary! There is something so sweet and special seeing daddy down on the floor with his children!

  5. very cute pics. they are getting so big.
