Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Playing" Together

The girls really like each other, but Lucy better watch out when Helen catches up and is as big as Lucy is...

As you can tell, I'm enjoying my girls, little sinners that they are.


  1. This is as beautiful as the sunrise you posted yesterday. All of the earth sings his praise!

  2. My two oldest girls were born 17 months apart, and I remember what an exhausting time that was (joyful and precious, yes, but still utterly exhausting). Your girls are nearly twins!

    May God bless you as you mother these two little souls. What an honor and blessing it is. And may He grant you (bushels of) strength and joy as you fulfull the task! :)

  3. Mrs White - Thank you for visiting my blog. The girls are pretty sweet. My mom and friends keep reminding me to enjoy this time, as they'll be "big" before I know it.

    Abigail, Thank you for the prayer for "bushels of strength" - I do usually feel exhausted but at the same time I am so happy to have my little "almost" twins :-)
